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Configuring Flat File

Configuring Account Schema

IDHub Flat file connector provides a default account schema which you can configure as per your Flat file and it’s schema configuration. The default account schema is outlined below. To provide a more detailed explanation of the account schema and how to configure, let's walk through each section and its purpose:

General Structure

The JSON schema is used by IDHub to connect to a Flat file through JDBC-CSV driver to manage user accounts. It defines various settings like attribute mappings, table configurations, and the SQL queries for account provisioning, modification, and deletion.

Meta data and identification

"id": "urn:sath:params:scim:schemas:core:1.0:Account",
"name": "Account",
"description": "The JSON file mentioned below contains the default settings used to fetch and provision accounts using specific attributes."
  • id: The unique identifier for this schema.
  • name: Denotes that this JSON file represents an account object.
  • description: A brief description of the file's purpose. It indicates that this configuration manages user accounts, which can be modified to align with the customer's Flat File.


"attributes": [
"name": "displayName",
"type": "string",
"idhubFieldName": "displayName",
"required": true,
"syncDirection": "bi-directional"

Each attribute defines a mapping between the IDHub attribute and the Flat File field. The key attributes are explained below:

  • name: The attribute name used in the Flat File.
  • type: Data type of the attribute. It can be a string, int, or complex (for multi-valued or hierarchical data).
  • idhubFieldName: The corresponding field name used in IDHub.
  • required: Indicates if this field is mandatory (true or false).
  • syncDirection: Specifies the data synchronization.
  • displayName: This is mapped directly to the "displayName" field in the Flat File and is a required field.
  • Use function idhubFieldName and add from IDHub field list to match the fields. For each attribute, you can customize the Flat File field names, types, and sync behavior to match their schema.

List of IDHub fields can be viewed in your IDHub instance in Admin Settings page in Admin Module. Target System fields can be matched with custom added IDHub field as well.

Multi-value Field

For making an attribute multi-valued in IDHub, use function multivalue and mark it as true. Some common examples are email addresses, membership, licenses attributes which provides multiple values.

Unique Field

Every target system provides at-least one unique attribute to distinguish their accounts. To mark that attribute as unique account name (In case multiple unique keys are present and you do not wish for IDHub to fetch all unique keys and mark only one as account name) use function uniqueness and value can be server or global


Reconciliation will fail if more than one attribute is added as unique.

For Flat File in the default account schema, below are some of the attributes among others that can be unique account name.

  • userLogin - Recommended
  • email
  • employeeNumber
  • managerLogin

Reconciliation Key

Possible unique reconciliation key to match account in Flat File with User in IDHub in the default account schema are as follows:

  • userLogin (Flat File) with login (IDHub) - Recommended
  • email (Flat File) with email (IDHub)
  • employeeNumber (Flat File) with employeeNumber (IDHub)
  • managerLogin (Flat File) with managerLogin (IDHub)

Use function

  • isRecon and mark as true AND
  • mutability and mark as immutable

Both functions needs to be added to the attribute to mark it as a reconciliation key.

Example: Below is a userLogin attribute which is marked as Reconciliation key.
"name": "userLogin",
"type": "string",
"idhubFieldName": "login",
"required": true,
"isRecon": true,
"mutability": "immutable",
"uniqueness": "server",
"syncDirection": "bi-directional"

More than one attribute can be used as reconciliation key. It is used to match IDHub users with accounts and combination of reconciliation keys will be used to match the account.

Matching and Unique Key

"matching-attributes": ["id"],
"entitlement-matching-attributes": ["userLogin"]
  • matching-attributes: This defines the primary attribute used to identify users. In this case, the id field is used to uniquely identify a user in the Flat File .
  • entitlement-matching-attributes: userLogin is used to match users to entitlements.

Configuration Details for Flat File

"configs": {
"tableName": "usr",
"uniqueKey": "UserLogin"

configs: Contains configuration details for interacting with the Flat File .

  • tableName: Specifies the table name where user data is stored (here, "usr").
  • uniqueKey: The field used as a unique key for the user account, which here is "UserLogin". It ensures no duplicate users with the same login

Attribute Mapping

"attribute-map": {
"displayName": {
"type": "string",
"attribute": "displayName"

The attribute-map section maps the Flat File fields to the schema attributes used in IDHub. For each attribute, you can specify:

  • type: Data type of the attribute.
  • attribute: The actual field name in the Flat File.

This mapping ensures that the correct data is fetched from the Flat File when an operation is performed on the user accounts.


displayName: The display name of the user in the IDHub corresponds to the displayName field in the Flat File.

SQL Queries for Operations

In this section, different SQL queries are defined for creating, updating, deleting, and fetching user accounts from the Flat File . You can customize these queries according to your Flat File schema and requirements.

Insert Query (Provisioning):

"insert": [
"INSERT INTO usr (phoneNumber, email, userLogin, displayName, department, ...) VALUES ('${phoneNumber}', '${email}', '${userLogin}', ...)"

This query provisions a new user in the usr table by inserting values for attributes like phone number, email, etc. The values are substituted from IDHub using ${} syntax.

Assign Query (Entitlements):

"assign": [
"INSERT INTO usr_permission_map (entitlements, userLogin) VALUES ('${entitlements}', '${userLogin}')"

This query assigns entitlements to users by inserting the userLogin and entitlements into the usr_permission_map table

Update Query:

"update": [
"UPDATE usr SET phoneNumber='${phoneNumber}', email='${email}', ..."

This query updates user account information in the usr table, ensuring that all mapped attributes are updated with their latest values.

Delete Query:

"delete": [
"deleteEntitle": [
"DELETE FROM usr_permission_map"
  • The delete query removes the user from the usr table.
  • The deleteEntitle query revokes all entitlements by deleting rows in the usr_permission_map table that are related to the user.

Select Queries (Fetching Data):

"select": [
"selectUsrPermissionMapCondition": [
"SELECT * FROM usr_permission_map WHERE userLogin='${userLogin}'"
"selectPermissionMapCondition": [
"SELECT * FROM permission WHERE name='${name}'"

These queries retrieve information from the usr table, usr_permission_map, and permission tables. They fetch all users, specific user entitlements, and permission details based on certain conditions like userLogin or name.

Response Mapping

"mappingToExistingToResponse": [
"userLogin": "${userLogin}",
"id": "${id}",
"displayName": "${displayName}",

This section defines how the Flat File query results map back into IDHub’s response structure. It ensures that once the data is retrieved from Flat File, it is properly transformed to match IDHub’s format.

Final Note

This account JSON serves as a customizable template to integrate IDHub with a Flat File. Each section allows you to tailor the configuration to your Flat File’s schema. You can modify the table names, attributes, and SQL queries to align with your Flat File’s unique structure, ensuring a seamless connection between IDHub and the Flat File for account management.

Configuring Entitlement Schema

IDHub Flat File connector provides a default entitlement schema which you can configure as per your Flat File schema configuration. To provide a more detailed explanation of the entitlement schema and how to configure, let's walk through each section and its purpose:

General Structure

The entitlement JSON schema defines the structure and settings used by IDHub to manage entitlements within a Flat File . It includes the configuration for mapping attributes, SQL queries, and other essential details for provisioning entitlements.

Meta data and identification

"id": "urn:sath:params:scim:schemas:core:1.0:Entitlement",
"name": "Entitlement",
"description": "The JSON file mentioned below contains the default settings used to fetch and provision entitlements using specific attributes."

  • id: A unique identifier for this schema, representing the entitlement object.
  • name: Specifies that this JSON file defines an "Entitlement" object.
  • description: A brief description indicating that this schema handles the fetching and provisioning of entitlements, allowing customization as required.


"attributes": [
"name": "id",
"type": "string"
"name": "name",
"type": "string",
"required": true
"name": "description",
"type": "string",
"required": true
"name": "displayName",
"type": "string",
"required": true
"name": "targetSystem",
"type": "string",
"required": true

The attributes section defines the fields that make up an entitlement. Each attribute is described with a name, type, and additional properties where applicable:

  • id:
    • Type: string
    • This attribute represents the unique identifier for an entitlement. It’s not marked as required but can be used to reference specific entitlements in the flat file.
  • name:
    • Type: string
    • Required: true
    • This is the primary attribute representing the name of the entitlement, which must be unique and is mandatory for creating an entitlement.
  • description:
    • Type: string
    • Required: true
    • This field contains a description of the entitlement, providing additional details about its purpose. It’s mandatory to ensure the user understands what the entitlement is for.
  • displayName:
    • Type: string
    • Required: true
    • A human-readable name for the entitlement. It is required and typically used in user interfaces to provide a clear, descriptive label for the entitlement.
  • targetSystem:
    • Type: string
    • Required: true
    • Specifies the target system or application where the entitlement is applicable.
  • These attributes form the core structure of the entitlement object, ensuring that each entitlement is well-defined with necessary details, such as its name, description, and target system. The required fields enforce that essential information is always provided when creating or managing entitlements in IDHub.
  • You can customize the above attributes as per your required schema in the Flat File

Matching and Unique Key

"matching-attributes": [
  • matching-attributes: Specifies the attribute used to identify and match entitlements uniquely. In this case, the "name" field is used.

Configuration Details for Flat File

"configs": {
"tableName": "permission",
"uniqueKey": "name"

configs: Configuration details for how this schema interacts with the Flat File .

  • tableName: The Flat File where entitlements are stored, which in this case is "permission"
  • uniqueKey: The unique key that ensures there are no duplicate entries for the same entitlement, set to "name"

These configurations help define the schema’s interaction with the Flat File and ensure that each entitlement is managed uniquely by its name.

Attribute Mapping

"attribute-map": {
"id": {
"attribute": "id",
"type": "string"
"name": {
"attribute": "name",
"type": "string"
"displayName": {
"attribute": "displayName",
"type": "string"
"description": {
"attribute": "description",
"type": "string"
"targetSystemDisplayName": {
"attribute": "targetSystemDisplayName",
"type": "string"

The attribute-map defines how IDHub's entitlement attributes map to the corresponding fields in the Flat File. Each attribute is described in terms of:

  • type: The data type of the attribute (string in this case).
  • attribute: The actual field name in the flat file.
  • id: Maps to the "id" field in the flat file.
  • name: Maps to the "name" field.
  • displayName: Maps to the "displayName" field.

This mapping ensures that the correct data is extracted from and written to the flat file when provisioning or fetching entitlements.

SQL Queries for Operations

In this section, different SQL queries are defined for creating, updating, deleting, and fetching entitlements from the Flat File. You can customize these queries according to your flat file schema and requirements.

Insert Query (Provisioning):

"insert": [
"INSERT INTO permission (name,displayName,description,targetSystemDisplayName) VALUES('${name}','${displayName}','${description}','${targetSystemDisplayName}')"
  • This query provisions a new entitlement in the permission table by inserting values for name, displayName, description, and targetSystemDisplayName.
  • The ${} syntax is used to substitute the actual values from IDHub.

Update Query:

"update": [
"UPDATE permission set name='${name}',description='${description}'"

This query updates the permission table, allowing modification of an entitlement's name and description fields.

Delete Query:

"delete": [
"DELETE FROM permission"

This query removes an entitlement from the permission table, deleting the associated record.

Select Queries (Fetching Data):

"select": [
"SELECT * FROM permission"

This query retrieves all records from the permission table, fetching all defined entitlements.

Response Mapping

"mappingToExistingToResponse": [
"id": "${id}",
"displayName": "${displayName}",
"name": "${name}",
"description": "${description}",
"targetSystemDisplayName": "${targetSystemDisplayName}"
  • The id field in the Flat File result will map to the id in the response.
  • The name, displayName, description, and targetSystemDisplayName fields from the flat file will be mapped similarly.

This ensures that the data returned from the flat file is properly transformed to match the format IDHub expects for entitlements

Final Note

The entitlement JSON file serves as a customizable template for integrating IDHub with a Flat File for managing entitlements. It provides the following key functionalities:

  • Defines the attributes of entitlements and their data types.
  • Specifies the primary key (name) used to uniquely identify entitlements.
  • Maps IDHub attributes to the corresponding flat file fields.
  • Provides SQL queries to insert, update, delete, and retrieve entitlements from the flat file.

This schema can be easily modified to align with the your Flat File structure, ensuring seamless interaction between IDHub and the flat file for managing entitlements.

Attribute Sync Direction

While adding attribute in json file, you can chose which direction your data flows for every attribute in IDHub.

Use function syncDirection for every attribute to choose their data flow directions.

Possible values are as follows:

'bi-directional': 'Bidirectional Synchronization',
'idhub-to-app': 'Sync IDHub to Application only',
'app-to-idhub': 'Sync Application to IDHub only',
'no-sync': 'No Synchronization',

Based on attribute functions we recommend directions. See below:

  • RBAC (Role based Access Control) : app-to-idhub or bi-directional
  • Reporting and not sensitive : bi-directional
  • Modify functions in target system and RBAC : idhub-to-app
  • Only for display : no-sync
  • Sensitive Attribute not used for audit/ reporting : Do not add attribute